Networks Home Page

Welcome to NetWorks
NetWorks is a comprehensive and innovative program to build sustainable LLIN systems that bridges the key technical areas of advocacy, policy, distribution, monitoring, and communications for increased net access and use in malaria endemic countries.
Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are an essential tool for achieving and sustaining malaria control. The ability to efficiently and effectively distribute nets and increase their use is critical to reducing the burden of malaria and control of the disease in endemic countries.
Online Training Series on Evidence-based Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)
This online training series is designed to strengthen capacity on how to use evidence and data to create strong SBCC programs for malaria prevention and control. Presenters are leaders in the field of SBCC and cover both fundamental and advanced concepts. A certificate is given for each module completed...More
New guide on school-based distribution
School-Based Distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets: A Short Guide Based on Recent Country Experience - This guide reviews recent experiences across several countries that have implemented school-based LLIN distribution...More
Documentaries highlight continuous distribution strategies
New documentaries describe implementation of continuous distribution of LLINs in Senegal and Ghana...More
New journal articles and other malaria publications
Newly published articles from NetWorks on strategic roles for behavior change communication, sustaining fragile gains in net use, useful net life, and frequency of net use by children...More
Lessons in Brief – a new case study from Ghana
Ghana pioneered a mixed model of LLIN continuous distribution mechanisms using antenatal care, child welfare clinics, schools, shops and workplace programs...More