About NetCALC

NetCALC is a new excel-based modeling tool developed by Albert Kilian and the NetWorks project. It is designed to model several scenarios of continuous distribution approaches based on country-specific data, and provides estimations of the ability of varied channels to overall universal coverage. These channels include ANC, EPI, school-based distribution, curative care, community-level distribution, and retail. NetCALC has four modules that can be used for the following purposes:

  1. to calculate current net ownership and access levels based on the most recent survey and the number of nets distributed since that survey
  2. to calculate the number of nets needed overall to maintain universal coverage (irrespective of type of distribution planned)
  3. to calculate how well various routine or continuous channels may be able to contribute to universal coverage
  4. a free modeling module that allows for more flexibility, in particular to combine campaigns with other channels

Online Training Module

NetWorks has developed an online training module that consists of a 35 minute introduction to the tool and a 50 minute walkthrough on how to use each of the modules above. Each component is broken into 5-6 parts so you can pause your work at any time and complete it later. It includes 2 assessments, one for each component. The online training is free and a certificate of completion will be sent to those who complete the training in full. Go to the NetCALC Online Training Module. You will need to create a free account in order to begin the training.

Download NetCALC

You can download NetCALC in English or in French here